Purchase Order

The Purchase Order section in the Purchase module enables users to manage and track all purchase orders, streamlining the procurement process and ensuring efficient communication with vendors.

Main Features:

Purchase Order Overview: This section displays a list of purchase orders with key details, including:

  1. Order Number: The unique identifier for each purchase order.

  2. Vendor: The name of the vendor associated with the order.

  3. Purchase Date: The date the purchase order was created.

  4. Expected Date: The expected delivery date for the order.

  5. Total Amount: The total cost of the order.

  6. Billed Status: Indicates whether the order has been billed.

  7. Delivery Status: Tracks the delivery progress of the order (e.g., pending, delivered).

  8. Action: Options to view, edit, or delete the purchase order.

Search and Filters: Users can search and filter purchase orders based on:

  • Order Number

  • Vendor

  • Billed Status

  • Delivery Status

  • Date Range

These options help users quickly find specific purchase orders and manage large volumes of data efficiently.

Add Purchase Order Functionality:

The "Add Purchase Order" button allows users to create new purchase orders. Upon clicking, users are prompted to fill out the following fields:

  1. Order Number: A unique identifier automatically generated for the order.

  2. Select Vendor: A required field to choose the vendor for the purchase.

  3. Currency: The currency in which the purchase will be made.

  4. Exchange Rate: The current exchange rate, which can be adjusted if needed.

  5. Order Date: The date the purchase order is created.

  6. Expected Delivery Date: The anticipated delivery date for the order.

  7. Delivery Address: The address where the goods should be delivered.

Additional fields include:

  • Calculate Tax: An option to automatically calculate taxes based on the order details.

  • Delivery Status: A dropdown to select the current delivery status.

  • Add Item: A button to include specific products or services in the order.

  • Note for the Recipient: A field for adding any additional notes or instructions to the vendor.

  • Terms and Conditions: A section for outlining the terms and conditions of the order.

  • Add File: Allows users to upload any relevant documents.

Purpose of the Purchase Order Section:

The Purchase Order section is designed to streamline the creation and management of purchase orders, ensuring smooth communication with vendors and accurate tracking of procurement processes. It helps maintain organized records of purchases, delivery status, and vendor interactions.

Last updated